Thursday, January 23, 2014


What are writing and reading good for? I can think of a few such as to express yourself, educate yourself and others, and stay up to date with modern life. Reading can take you away from everyday problems you face and let you live in a different world for a period of time. Writing lets you voice your opinion and its better than talking out loud mainly because you have time to think about what you're going to say.


  1. I really like what you said about reading, Samson. Some people have forgotten that part of creativity and their childhood it would seem (unless parents/ guardians never read to them). Maybe they should watch "The Pagemaster." ;)

    Thinking/writing should always go hand in hand, good observations! I look forward to your perspective this semester. Also though, let us know what pages were helpful while you were writing your business letter and for the one due for next the rough draft of essay #1 goes, along with your perspective on tattoos (before 6 pm Thursday) (with sections, book title, page #'s, etc... also)!

    Try to make your blog unique. Think of hobbies, something about yourself that makes YOU YOU...and make your blog show that aspect of you off :) Be sure to check out (add all) and comment on a couple of other students' blogs as you are posting before next Thursday.
    --Ms. Hanson

  2. Samson, you have still not posted anything about the process of your Rough Draft/ Readings or the tattoos short section.

    Nor have you updated your profile. Be sure you keep your blog assignments up to date and post in a timely fashion (just because it is not timely does not mean to skip--partial is better than zero credit).

    Plus, you HAVE to follow all the other people in the class and begin commenting on their blog posts (at least two weekly). This is a significant portion of your grade.

    Ms. Hanson

  3. Make sure you transfer those blogs, Samson! I look forward to seeing your thoughts about the novel.
